
Kindness opens door to friendship. February 2016
Her name is Sonja Griffin Evans. When thinking of ways to illustrate Hilton Head Island and Bluffton’s black history for this issue, her beautiful paintings came to mind. Not only did she agree to let us use her art, she created a new painting just for us.
In addition to celebrating black history, February is also our big bridal issue. Sonja tied the two subjects together by painting a Gullah bride “Jumping the Broom,” an African American custom for marriage.

Hilton Head Monthly
From dark to light
27 Jan 2015
Written by Tim Wood
In an area filled with talented artists, Sonja Griffin Evans is one of the best! Read her story in our current issue or check out the online version here (the print version looks better):…/…/3503-from-dark-to-light
ARTS - TODAY 2.2 April 4, 2014 St. Louis, Missouri
The Weekly Challenger
Gift from God
Posted on July 24, 2014
by TWC in Arts & Entertainment,
“Everything in life has a purpose” she affirmed. “Even the grass that we stand on every day has a purpose for sustaining the environment in which we live. So the gifts and the talents we have are for a purpose.”
Press Gift from God
Posted on July 24, 2014 by TWC in Arts & Entertainment, Featured
Gift from God Posted on July 24, 2014 by TWC in Arts & Entertainment, Featured
St. Petersburg's center for art representing the African Diaspora prepares for a visit from Sonja Griffin Evans.
Coastal Lifestyle Magazine
"The couple also collected art over the years. “We’ve picked up pieces that we like from travels to Europe, Russia, Southeast Asia, India, and China, but we also have pieces by local artists. One favorite by Domi Williams of Panama City is over the fireplace in the living room. We also have several pieces by Sonja Griffin Evans from Pensacola. We love her painting ‘The Fruit Bearers’ that hangs in our bedroom foyer.”
Southern Lady Magazine
Two Days Away: Pensacola, Fla. - Southern Lady
May 8, 2014 - Artist Sonja Griffin Evans's Gumbo Gallery spotlights multicultural art and serves as her studio as well.
Bella Magazine
Pensacola News Journal
Gumbo Gallery owner fosters art scene in Belmont area
Written byRhema Thompson
[email protected]
You could say the work of Sonja Griffin Evans began with an opened door.
"One of the very first pieces I ever painted when I first started was a door that was called 'Freedom's Door,' which was built around New Year's Eve of the Emancipation Proclamation.
"And the person was walking through that door for the very last time, walking into a new-found freedom, a new way of life. ... Now, as I look at it, that's where I was," she said. ...
Artist helps Families First
A well-known Pensacola artist is helping FamiliesFirst Network of Lakeview Center to recruit foster families from within African-American communities.
Gift from God
Posted on July 24, 2014 by TWC in Arts & Entertainment, FeaturedGift from God
Posted on July 24, 2014 by TWC in Arts & Entertainment, Featured
St. Petersburg's center for art representing the African Diaspora preparesfor a visit from Sonja Griffin Evans.
Gumbo Gallery owner fosters art scene in Belmont area Jul. 4, 2013
Written by
Rhema Thompson
[email protected]
Winners & Losers 6/13/13WINNERS
Sonja Griffin Evans
Having recently celebrated its fourth anniversary, Pensacola’s Gumbo Gallery was awarded the Flame Keepers Award for Art Galleries at the 2013 African Diaspora World Tourism Awards. Gallery owner and artist Sonja Griffin Evans received the award, presented in Atlanta, which recognizes institutions displaying art depicting black culture and heritage that have contributed to tourism development through increased traffic. Gumbo Gallery was recognized along with the IFAN Museum of Arts in Senegal, Africa.
Bella Magazine June 2012
Belmont-Devilliers is transforming (Forgotten Communities Art Collection)
Posted on 11 October 2011. Tags: Belmont-Devilliers, construction, downtown
"New gallery is the secret ingredient"
Jun 2, 2009 | Dogan, Reginald T
"Artist breathes new life into Belmont-DeVilliers"
May 26, 2009 | Foster, Kristen ...